What Do Video Gamers Think About Global Warming?

12. Video Gamer Characteristics

The charts/graphics throughout Section 12 summarize the video game-related characteristics of survey participants.

12.1. In a typical week, about how many days do you spend at least 30 minutes playing a video game?


12.2. Would you consider yourself to be a …


12.3. Which of these platforms do you usually play games on?


12.4. Which of the following types of video games do you usually play?


12.5. Please rate how important each of the following gameplay elements is to you when playing video games …


12.6. How much do you enjoy the following game elements and activities?


12.7. How many of your friends or relatives play video games?


12.8. How frequently, if at all, do you play video games in the following ways?


12.9. How often do you visit or use the following?


12.10. How often do you visit or use the following to find gaming-related information?


12.11. We now have some questions about places where you generally get news and information (not just information about gaming). How often do you watch, listen to, or read content from the following?