What Do Video Gamers Think About Global Warming?

9. Who is Responsible for Action on Global Warming?

9.1. Most video gamers want corporations and industry to do more to address global warming. Most also want more action from citizens and government.

Most video gamers (61%) say corporations and industry should do either “much more” (31%) or “more” (30%) to address global warming. Half or more video gamers say developing countries such as China, India, and Brazil (60%); the United States (59%); the U.S. Congress (59%); citizens themselves (58%); other industrialized countries such as England, Germany, and Japan (57%); their local government officials (56%); the Republican Party (56%); the Democratic Party (56%); President Biden (56%); their governor (56%); the media (53%); or they personally (50%) should do more.