Climate Change in the Latino Mind

B.2. Who is Responsible to Act on Global Warming?

B.2.1. Three in four Latinos want corporations and industry, Congress, and the president to do more to address global warming.

Seven in ten or more Latinos want corporations and industry (77%), the U.S. Congress (73%), President Trump (74%), citizens themselves (74%), and their member of Congress (72%) to do more to address global warming.

Fewer non-Latinos want more action from citizens, the Congress, President Trump, or their own member of Congress. But nearly as many non-Latinos (72%) as Latinos want more action from corporations and industry.



B.2.2. Seven in ten Latinos think global warming should be a “high” or “very high” priority for the president and Congress.

Seventy percent of Latinos think global warming should be at least a “high” priority for the president and Congress, including four in ten (39%) who think it should be a “very high” priority. Eight in ten Spanish-language Latinos (79%) think global warming should be at least a “high” priority and 46% think it should be a “very high” priority.

By contrast, only about half of non-Latinos (52%) think global warming should be a “high” or “very high” priority for the president and Congress.
