Report Summary

This report is based on findings from a nationally representative survey of individuals in Indonesia (aged 16 years and above) conducted by Development Dialogue Asia, the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication (YPCCC), Communication for Change (C4C), and Kantar Indonesia. Interview dates: June 7 – July 30, 2021. Interviews: 3,490 adults. Average margin of error: +/- 1.7 percentage points at the 95% confidence level. The research was supported by Development Dialogue Asia, King Philanthropies, the MacArthur Foundation, and the Grantham Foundation.


Principal Investigators:

Anthony Leiserowitz, PhD
Yale Program on Climate Change Communication

Enggar Paramita
Development Dialogue Asia

Paramita Mohamad
Communication for Change

Matthew Daggett


For all media and other inquiries, please email:
Yale Program on Climate Change Communication:
Lisa Fernandez (, Eric Fine (, and Michaela Hobbs (

Development Dialogue Asia:
Enggar Paramita (