Global warming is one of the greatest threats – and opportunities – of the 21st century. Our fate will be determined by the choices of 8 billion people and counting. We study the causes and consequences of public opinion and behavior. We help governments, media, companies, and NGOs communicate more effectively. And we publish an online climate news service and daily national radio program, Yale Climate Connections.
If you want to print our double-sided brochure click here.
American opinions vary widely depending on where people live. So why would we rely on just one national number to understand public responses to climate change at the state and local levels? Our team has developed models that downscale national survey results to the state, congressional district, and county levels. We can now accurately estimate state and local public opinion across the country, revealing a rich picture of the diversity of Americans’ climate change beliefs, attitudes, policy support and behavior. Find them here.
Climate change is a global challenge. We have conducted in-depth studies of public opinion and behavior in China, India, Brazil, Ireland, Indonesia and in 192 countries and territories worldwide in partnership with the Rare’s Center for Behavior & the Environment and Data for Good at Meta.and Data for Good at Meta.
We conduct scientific experiments to identify the messages and messengers that best engage different audiences. Messages tested include the scientific consensus that human-caused global warming is happening, and values-based frames, such as security, health, and religion. Outcome measures include shifts in climate knowledge, attitudes, policy support, and behavior.
YPCCC’s Partnerships Program builds the capacity of organizations to conduct strategic communication and transformational organizing campaigns. We work with a range of organizations to clarify their communication goals, identify and understand their audiences, use tactics and tools based on YPCCC’s research, and conduct their own studies. You can reach us at to learn more.
Our latest report includes findings regarding support for international action on climate change, read it here.
This project — in partnership with The Center for Climate Change Communication at George Mason University — investigates, explains and tracks public understanding of climate change and support for climate policies, identifies key audiences within the American public requiring tailored communication strategies, and has become a critical source of strategic insights for the climate change community. Our research has identified Global Warming’s Six Americas: six unique audiences in the U.S. that respond to climate change in different ways. The results are used by government and business leaders, educators, and NGOs across the U.S. to better understand and engage their own audiences. Take a 4-question survey to find out which of the Six Americas you belong to at our website:
Original articles and videos about climate change and a daily, 90-second radio program and podcast, broadcast nationwide. Hosted by Dr. Anthony Leiserowitz, the program reveals how climate change is already impacting our lives and shares inspiring stories of people and organizations taking action. Spanish language content also available at
Yale students are major contributors to our program, including research, data analysis, social media, and content editing. Student assistant opportunities are available on the YPCCC website. Or email us at: Sign up online for our research alerts and follow us on social media.
Facebook: @YaleProgramOnClimateChangeCommunication
Twitter: @YaleClimateComm
Instagram: @climate.change.communication