About Downscaling Climate Opinions

This version of the Yale Climate Opinion Maps is based on data through fall 2023. Public opinion about global warming is an important influence on decision making about policies to reduce global warming or prepare for the impacts, but American opinions vary widely depending on where people live. So why would we rely on just one national number to understand public responses to climate change at the state and local levels? Public opinion polling is generally done at the national level, because local level polling is very costly and time intensive. Our team of scientists, however, has developed a geographic and statistical model to downscale national public opinion results to the state, congressional district, and county levels. We can now estimate public opinion across the country and a rich picture of the diversity of Americans’ beliefs, attitudes, and policy support is revealed.

Our national surveys show that 72% of Americans think global warming is happening. Our new YCOM model estimates, however, show that only 49% of people in Emery County, Utah agree. Meanwhile 71% in neighboring Grand County, Utah believe global warming is happening.

Explore the maps by clicking on your state, congressional district, or county and compare the results across questions and with other geographic areas. The Congressional District Map reflects the 118th Congress (2023-2025). You will find that not all congressional districts have data due to pending litigation regarding the adoption of new redistricting plans. In 13 states where districts could be redrawn in the near future for the 119th Congress, we are delaying the release of estimates.

Beneath each map are bar charts displaying the results for every question at whichever geographic scale is currently selected. For the bar charts and the maps alike, multiple responses to each survey question are grouped into positive and negative categories as defined on the Survey Question Wording tab.

See the methods page for more information about uncertainty estimates. In some cases, numbers that should sum to 100% or differences from the national average that should sum to zero are off by one percentage point; these effects are due to rounding errors.

This research was funded by the Schmidt Family Foundation, the U.S. Energy Foundation, the MacArthur Foundation, the Heising-Simons Foundation, King Philanthropies, and the Grantham Foundation. For further questions about these maps or what they mean, please see our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) tab above.


This site provides estimates of U.S. climate change beliefs, risk perceptions, and policy preferences at the state and local levels – a new source of high-resolution data on public opinion that can inform national, state and local decision-making, policy, and education initiatives. The estimates are derived from a statistical model using multilevel regression with post-stratification (MRP) on a large national survey dataset (n>31,000), along with demographic and geographic population characteristics.

Validating models is essential for producing accurate results. Our estimates were validated using three different methods. First, cross-validation analyses were conducted within the dataset. The dataset was divided into two sets of respondents, with one part used to run the model and the other kept aside for validation. The model estimates were then compared to the results of the set aside respondents to directly quantify the percentage of correct answers the model predicted. These cross-validation tests were repeated multiple times using different sample sizes and dividing the data in different ways. Second, the model estimates derived from the full dataset were compared to the results of independent, representative state- and city-level surveys conducted in California, Colorado, Ohio, Texas, San Francisco, and Columbus, Ohio in 2013. The mean absolute difference between model estimates and validation survey results was 2.9 percentage points (SD = 1.5) among the four states (CA, TX, OH, CO) and 3.6 percentage points (SD = 2.9) among the two metropolitan areas (Columbus, OH, and San Francisco, CA), well within the margins of error for the survey results alone (at a 95% confidence level). Estimates have also been validated internally through a series of technical simulations. Third, some model estimates were compared with third-party survey data collected by other researchers in previous years.

For the 2023 model estimates, uncertainty ranges are based on 95% confidence intervals using 999 bootstrap simulations. These confidence intervals indicate that the model is accurate to approximately ±7 percentage points at the state and congressional district levels, and ±8 percentage points at the metro and county levels. Such error ranges include the error inherent in the original national surveys themselves, which is typically ±3 percentage points.

Trends over time from 2010-2020 are provided for 16 state-level climate opinions using data from Marlon et al. (2022). Estimates for 2021, 2022, and 2023 are generated using our conventional MRP model described in Howe et al. (2015).

Marlon, J. R., Wang, X., Bergquist, P., Howe, P., Leiserowitz, A., Maibach, E., Mildenberger, M., and Rosenthal, S. “Change in US state-level public opinion about climate change: 2008–2020.” Environmental Research Letters 17, no. 12 (2022). 124046.

Howe, P., Mildenberger, M., Marlon, J.R., and Leiserowitz, A., “Geographic variation in opinions on climate change at state and local scales in the USA,” (2015). Nature Climate Change. DOI: 10.1038/nclimate2583.

Climate Change in the American Mind Survey Question Wording

Model estimates in the maps were derived from public responses to the following survey questions. The response categories for many questions were collapsed into a single variable for mapping. For example, for the question measuring how worried respondents are about global warming, “very worried” and “somewhat worried” were combined into a single measure of “worried.” Likewise “Not very worried” and “Not at all worried” were combined into a single measure of “not worried.” The responses below are color coded to indicate how they were grouped into the variables shown on the maps. Individuals who responded “Don’t know” or who did not answer the question were not modeled separately and appear as gray segments within the bar charts.


Global warming is happening
Recently, you may have noticed that global warming has been getting some attention in the news. Global warming refers to the idea that the world’s average temperature has been increasing over the past 150 years, may be increasing more in the future, and that the world’s climate may change as a result. What do you think: Do you think that global warming is happening?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Don’t know

Global warming is caused mostly by human activities
Assuming global warming is happening, do you think it is… ?

  • Caused mostly by human activities
  • Caused mostly by natural changes in the environment
  • None of the above because global warming isn’t happening
  • Other
  • Don’t know

Most scientists think global warming is happening
Which comes closest to your own view?

  • Most scientists think global warming is happening
  • There is a lot of disagreement among scientists about whether or not global warming is happening
  • Most scientists think global warming is not happening
  • Don’t know enough to say

Global warming is affecting the weather in the United States
How strongly do you agree or disagree with the statement below?

  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree


Worried about global warming
How worried are you about global warming?

  • Very worried
  • Somewhat worried
  • Not very worried
  • Not at all worried

Global warming will harm plants and animals 
How much do you think global warming will harm plants and animal species?

  • Not at all
  • Only a little
  • A moderate amount
  • A great deal
  • Don’t know

Global warming will harm future generations
How much do you think global warming will harm future generations of people?

  • Not at all
  • Only a little
  • A moderate amount
  • A great deal
  • Don’t know

Global warming will harm people in developing countries
How much do you think global warming will harm people in developing countries?

  • Not at all
  • Only a little
  • A moderate amount
  • A great deal
  • Don’t know

Global warming will harm people in the US
How much do you think global warming will harm people in the United States?

  • Not at all
  • Only a little
  • A moderate amount
  • A great deal
  • Don’t know

Global warming will harm me personally
How much do you think global warming will harm you personally?

  • Not at all
  • Only a little
  • A moderate amount
  • A great deal
  • Don’t know

Global warming is already harming people in the US
When do you think global warming will start to harm people in the United States?

  • They are being harmed right now
  • In 10 years
  • In 25 years
  • In 50 years
  • In 100 years
  • Never

Has personally experienced the effects of global warming
How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement: “I have personally experienced the effects of global warming”?

  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree


Fund research into renewable energy sources
How much do you support or oppose the following policies?
Fund more research into renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power
  • Strongly support
  • Somewhat support
  • Somewhat oppose
  • Strongly oppose

Regulate CO2 as a pollutant
How much do you support or oppose the following policies?
Regulate carbon dioxide (the primary greenhouse gas) as a pollutant

  • Strongly support
  • Somewhat support
  • Somewhat oppose
  • Strongly oppose

Require fossil fuel companies to pay a carbon tax
How much do you support or oppose the following policies?
Require fossil fuel companies to pay a carbon tax and use the money to reduce other taxes (such as income tax) by an equal amount.

  • Strongly support
  • Somewhat support
  • Somewhat oppose
  • Strongly oppose

Provide tax rebates
Provide tax rebates for people who purchase energy-efficient vehicles or solar panels.
How much do you support or oppose the following policies?

  • Strongly support
  • Somewhat support
  • Somewhat oppose
  • Strongly oppose

Drill for oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge
How much do you support or oppose the following policies?

  • Strongly support
  • Somewhat support
  • Somewhat oppose
  • Strongly oppose

Expand offshore drilling for oil and natural gas off the U.S. coast
How much do you support or oppose the following policies?

  • Strongly support
  • Somewhat support
  • Somewhat oppose
  • Strongly oppose

Schools should teach about global warming 
How much do you agree or disagree with the following statement…?
Schools should teach our children about the causes, consequences, and potential solutions to global warming.

  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree

Corporations and industry should do more to address global warming
Do you think the following should be doing more or less to address global warming?

  • Much more
  • More
  • Currently doing the right amount
  • Less
  • Much less

The President should do more to address global warming
Do you think the following should be doing more or less to address global warming?

  • Much more
  • More
  • Currently doing the right amount
  • Less
  • Much less

Congress should do more to address global warming
Do you think the following should be doing more or less to address global warming?

  • Much more
  • More
  • Currently doing the right amount
  • Less
  • Much less

Your Governor should do more to address global warming
Do you think the following should be doing more or less to address global warming?

  • Much more
  • More
  • Currently doing the right amount
  • Less
  • Much less

Your local officials should do more to address global warming
Do you think the following should be doing more or less to address global warming?

  • Much more
  • More
  • Currently doing the right amount
  • Less
  • Much less

Citizens themselves should do more to address global warming
Do you think the following should be doing more or less to address global warming?

  • Much more
  • More
  • Currently doing the right amount
  • Less
  • Much less

Global warming should be a priority for the next president and Congress

Do you think each of these issues should be a low, medium, high, or very high priority for the next president and Congress?

  • Very high
  • High
  • Medium
  • Low

Developing sources of clean energy should be a priority for the next president and Congress
Do you think that developing sources of clean energy should be a low, medium, high, or very high priority for the President and Congress?

  • Very high
  • High
  • Medium
  • Low

Generate renewable energy (solar and wind) on public land in the U.S.?

  • Strongly agree
  • Somewhat agree
  • Somewhat disagree
  • Strongly disagree


Discuss global warming
How often do you discuss global warming with your friends and family?

  • Often
  • Occasionally
  • Rarely
  • Never

Hear about global warming in the media 
How often do you hear about global warming in the media?

  • At least once a week
  • At least once a month
  • Several times a year
  • Once a year or less often
  • Never


The YPCCC is pleased to offer our downscaled climate change opinion estimates to the public. These data are distributed under the following terms of use. This is a legal agreement between you, the end-user (“User”) and Yale University on behalf of the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication (the “YPCCC”).  By downloading the survey data made available on this web site (“Data”) you are agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement.  If you do not agree to be bound by these terms, do not download or use the Data. The YPCCC hereby grants to the User a non-exclusive, revocable, limited, non-transferable license to use the Data solely for (1) research, scholarly or academic purposes, (2) the internal use of your business, or (3) your own personal non-commercial use.  You may not reproduce, sell, rent, lease, loan, distribute or sublicense or otherwise transfer any Data, in whole or in part, to any other party, or use the Data to create any derived product for resale, lease or license.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, you may incorporate limited portions of the Data in scholarly, research or academic publications or for the purposes of news reporting, provided you acknowledge the source of the Data (with express references to the YPCCC, as well as the complete title of the report) and include the following legend: The YPCCC bears no responsibility for the analyses or interpretations of the data presented here.


The YPCCC has taken measures to ensure that the Data is devoid of information that could be used to identify individuals (e.g., names, telephone numbers, email addresses, social security numbers) who participated in or who were the subject of any research surveys or studies used to collect the Data (“Personally Identifying Information”).  However, in the event that you discover any such Personally Identifying Information in the Data, you shall immediately notify the YPCCC and refrain from using any such Personally Identifying Information. This license will terminate (1) automatically without notice from the YPCCC if you fail to comply with the provisions of this agreement, or (2) upon written notice (by e-mail, U.S. or otherwise) from the YPCCC.  Upon termination of this agreement, you agree to destroy all copies of any Data, in whole or in part and in any and all media, in your custody and control. This agreement shall be governed by, construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Connecticut. You further agree to submit to the jurisdiction and venue of the courts of the State of Connecticut for any dispute relating to this Agreement. Please use the following citation in any work that makes use of the data and documentation as follows: Howe, Peter D., Matto Mildenberger, Jennifer R. Marlon, and Anthony Leiserowitz (2015). “Geographic variation in opinions on climate change at state and local scales in the USA.” Nature Climate Change, doi:10.1038/nclimate2583. Direct any questions to the YPCCC at climatechange@yale.edu.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What do these maps depict?
The maps depict estimates of the percentage of American adults (age 18 and over) who hold particular beliefs, attitudes, and policy preferences about global warming. The estimates were generated from a statistical model that incorporates actual survey responses, but combines these responses with demographic data from the U.S. Census to estimate opinions for different groups of people based on information such as their gender, race and ethnicity, and educational attainment; they also take into account changes in public opinion over time.
Where do the survey data underlying the estimates come from?
The data underlying the maps come from a large national survey dataset ( >28,000 respondents) collected between 2008 through 2023 as part of the Climate Change in the American Mind project led by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and the George Mason University Center for Climate Change Communication. Reports from the individual surveys are available here: CCAM Reports.
How many people did you survey in my state/county? / How can you say anything about opinions in my geography if you didn’t survey anyone there?
The number of respondents surveyed varies for each geographic unit but is very large across the US as a whole. Since our surveys are nationally representative, the number of respondents in each state and county is proportional to its share of the national population. In other words, larger states and counties will have more respondents than smaller states and counties. In some smaller counties, very few, if any, respondents may have been surveyed. In those cases, our model uses information about the population of the county, information from other counties in the same state and region, and information about the characteristics of the county (such as how the county voted in previous elections) to make its estimates. While this may sound surprising, it makes sense when we consider the strongest influences on a person’s individual opinions about climate change in the US – political views. Knowing the political leanings of a county’s (or other unit’s) residents, along with the proportion of different demographic groups within that county, allows us to predict resident’s climate opinions very well. Adding additional information (e.g., about rural/urban context, carbon-intensive activities, etc.),  further improves predictions.  Moreover, for any given geographic unit, information is pooled from nearby units and from higher-level geographies (e.g. state level information is included for all counties within that state). All of this information together allows us to produce reliable estimates (see next question) for all counties even if the number of individuals sampled within a specific county is small.
How accurate are the estimates?
No model is perfect and there are uncertainties in the model estimates. To validate the model, we conducted independent surveys in four states (CA, TX, OH, CO) and two metropolitan areas (Columbus, OH and San Francisco, CA) and compared the survey results to our model estimates. On average, the model estimates differed from the survey results by 2.9 percentage points among the four states and 3.6 percentage points among the two metropolitan areas, within the survey margins of error. A series of technical simulations estimate that the model has an average margin of error of ±7 percentage points at the state and congressional district levels, ±8 percentage points at the metro and county levels. Such error ranges include the error inherent in the original national surveys themselves, which is typically ±3 percentage points. The model uncertainties are smaller at broad geographic scales (e.g., the state level), and are larger at finer geographic scales (e.g., at the county and city levels). The model estimates also tend to be conservative, so geographic areas with extremely high or low measures are not estimated as well as areas with values closer to the national average for each survey question.
Why are some Congressional Districts gray (missing data)?
Due to redistricting, many states have congressional district boundaries that are not yet settled, or that do not yet have census counts available for those districts. Census counts are required for the modeling, so we cannot make estimates of public opinions about climate change for geographic areas that are missing census data. We will update the model and maps as soon as the districts are settled and the census data for those areas are available. Current maps reflect all the census data available through January 2024.
What does the gray color mean on some of the bars beneath the maps?
The gray area reflects people who refused to answer the question or said “don’t know”. We do not provide specific values for the gray areas because we did not develop estimates for these particular responses.
Do the maps account for differences in population density across the country?
No, the maps depict the estimated proportion of people within each geographic area who would answer each question as indicated. We have not adjusted the maps based on population density differences. It is important to keep in mind that some geographic areas may be large, but have few residents (e.g., Wyoming), while other geographic areas may be small, but have many residents (e.g., New Jersey). For reference, Wikipedia has a population density map here. The type of map used in this tool is called a choropleth map, which means the colors on the maps reflect the percentage of the population in a given geographic unit. These kinds of maps are used to represent everything from election results (e.g.,the red state / blue state maps common during presidential elections) to census and economic data (e.g., per capita income or unemployment rates).
Do these maps reflect changes in opinions due to recent extreme weather events like Superstorm Sandy?
Perhaps. The maps may reflect the impacts that specific extreme weather events had on public opinion in a given geographic unit. If public opinion in a particular area has been influenced by local events it is possible that the model would detect such an influence. However, data from specific events or types of events are not explicitly built into the model as predictor variables.
Can I use the data?
Yes. We encourage you to explore the maps and use the results in your own work. The data are available on our Data Download tab at the top of this page so that you can do your own analyses and create your own visualizations. If you publish an academic paper using these data please acknowledge the source by using the following citation:

Trends over time from 2010-2020 are provided for 16 state-level climate opinions using data from Marlon et al. (2022). Estimates for 2021, 2022, and 2023 are generated using our conventional MRP model described in Howe et al. (2015).

Marlon, J. R., Wang, X., Bergquist, P., Howe, P., Leiserowitz, A., Maibach, E., Mildenberger, M., and Rosenthal, S. “Change in US state-level public opinion about climate change: 2008–2020.” Environmental Research Letters 17, no. 12 (2022). 124046.
Howe, P., Mildenberger, M., Marlon, J., & Leiserowitz, A. (2015) “Geographic variation in opinions on climate change at state and local scales in the USA,” Nature Climate Change. DOI: 10.1038/nclimate2583.

If you publish a news article, visualization, blog post, or other publication using these data or maps, please include the link to the Yale Climate Opinion Maps website and attribution to the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication.