Reading Notes

  • This report includes only registered voters.
  • References to Republicans and Democrats throughout include respondents who initially identify as either a Republican or Democrat, as well as those who do not initially identify as a Republican or Democrat but who say they “are closer to” one of those parties (i.e., “leaners”) in a follow-up question. The category “Independents” does not include any of these “leaners.”
  • In all tables, bases specified are unweighted, but percentages are weighted.
  • For tabulation purposes, percentage points are rounded to the nearest whole number. As a result, percentages in a given chart may total slightly higher or lower than 100%. Summed response categories (e.g., “strongly support” + “somewhat support”) are rounded after sums are calculated (e.g., 25.3% + 25.3% = 50.6%, which, after rounding, would be reported as 25% + 25% = 51%).
  • Weighted percentages among registered voters of each of the groups discussed in this report:
    • Democrats (total) including leaners: 45%
      • Liberal Democrats: 23%
      • Moderate/Conservative Democrats: 22%
        • (Moderate Democrats: 19%; Conservative Democrats: 2%)
    • Independents excluding leaners: 8%
    • Republicans (total) including leaners: 42%
      • Liberal/Moderate Republicans: 16%
        • (Liberal Republicans: 1%; Moderate Republicans: 14%)
      • Conservative Republicans: 27%
    • No party/Not interested in politics/No response: 5% (included in results reported for “All Registered Voters” only)
  • In the data tables reporting results for all waves of data collection, “–” denotes that there were no responses in that cell, whereas “0” denotes that there were responses, but the cell value is less than 0.5. In all other tables, “0” denotes that the cell value is between 0.0 and 0.5.