1.1. Many 2022 voters say global warming was an important issue in deciding how they would vote.
A total of 45% of registered voters who voted in the 2022 election87% of the registered voters in the sample voted in the 2022 election, while 13% did not and thus did not receive this question. Percentages among all registered voters are included in the data tables, Appendix I, p. 40. say global warming was either “the single most important issue” (2%) or “one of several important issues” (43%) to them when they decided how they would vote. This includes 77% of liberal Democrats (4% “most important issue,” 74% “one of several important issues”) and 64% of moderate/conservative Democrats (3% most important, 61% one of several),
In contrast, no Republicans said global warming was “the single most important issue” to them when they decided how they would vote, while some Republicans (26% of liberal/moderate Republicans and 11% of conservative Republicans) said global warming was “one of several important issues” in their voting decision.