Subscribe to Climate Connections, a daily public radio series, to hear stories about how climate change is impacting our lives and how people are developing constructive solutions (produced by Yale Climate Connections).
Climate Access is an international network supporting the community of climate change communicators, including recent research, tips, and “what works.”
Explore the history of Earth’s climate, view real-time satellites datasets in 3D, check out the Sea Level and Global Ice Viewers, and more on NASA’s interactive climate site.
Skeptical Science provides answers to common myths and misunderstandings about climate change.
RealClimate offers expert commentary on climate science for the interested public and journalists. is a clearinghouse for all climate change research by the U.S. Government.
The New York Times outlines articles, essays, and books that speak to the overlap between environmental degradation and racism.
The National Black Environmental Justice Networkis dedicated to improving the lives of Black people and addressing the systemic racism that harms and denies Black People equal access to environmental, climate, racial and economic justice, health equity, political power, civil rights and human rights.
Robert Bullard, the “Father of Environmental Justice,” provides an environmental justice resource list.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a plethora of climate change resources, including a tool to calculate your carbon footprint and provides personalized suggestions for reducing your emissions.
Katharine Hayhoe, a climate scientist and host of “Global Weirding,” a climate and science video series, shares tips on how one person can take action to make a difference:
Purchase carbon offsets for your personal emissions. Companies like Cool Effect and Green-e can help you identify and purchase carbon offsets. Organizations that sell carbon offsets are evaluated and authenticated by third-party verification groups. When evaluating and purchasing carbon offsets, check to see how the offsets are verified. The Stockholm Environment Institute and Greenhouse Gas Management Institute provide more information, including a list of verification bodies, here.
3. Become a citizen climate scientist:
As a citizen, you can join current research projects and make crucial contributions to the body of knowledge on climate change.
Record the hatching and migration of monarch butterflies with the USDA Forest Service.
Collect information on coral reefs and reef fish with REEF.
4. Take political action:
One of the most important things you can do is write (by regular mail) or call your local, state or federal representative.
Contact your elected officials. Visit Project Vote Smart, where you can type in your address and instantly find your federal and state representatives, their voting records, issue positions, ratings, and campaign finance information.
The League of Conservation Voters aggregates voting records of US Senators and Representatives into the National Environmental Scorecard.
In our Partnership Program, YPCCC helps organizations clarify their communication goals, identify and understand their audiences, use our tools, and conduct their own studies. Consider partnering with us to improve your organization’s climate communication strategy.
Note: The postings above are provided as informational resources and do not indicate endorsement by The Yale Program on Climate Change Communication