Sam Inglis is a member of YPCCC’s social media team. He holds an MSc in Climate Change & Risk Management from the University of Exeter, UK. His research focuses on glacial hazards, mountain environments, and transboundary water resources. He currently writes for the website ‘GlacierHub,’ trying to increase awareness and understanding of the world’s rapidly disappearing glaciers. Sam is an active campaigner for climate action, and notably coordinated the ‘People’s Climate March’ in Hong Kong in 2014 – the only city of China’s 600+ to participate. He comes to Yale following a two month odyssey, having walked over 950 miles from the Vatican in Rome to COP21 in Paris for climate justice, alongside former Philippine climate negotiator Yeb Saño. Sam is a founder and the newly appointed Vice Chairperson of the Interfaith Climate Network in his hometown of Hong Kong, working to promote awareness of climate science within the local spiritual community.