Cloe Dickson

Cloe Dickson

Cloe is a first-year student in the Master of Environmental Science program at the Yale School of the Environment and is the Social Media Manager for the Yale Climate Connections podcast. She earned her BA from University of Colorado Boulder in 2019 with a double major in Environmental Studies and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. Her research focuses on the history, culture, and politics of community organizing around water in Colorado’s San Luis Valley and the broader phenomena of rural-to-urban water transport in the North American Southwest. Prior to graduate school, she served in AmeriCorps as a Youth Development Coordinator at Alpine Achievers Initiative, where she supported students in rural southern Colorado schools. At YPCCC, she is interested in creative storytelling and social media as a mode of engaging diverse audiences in environmental science and climate action. In her free time, you can find her somewhere outside, hopefully bagging another 4,000-foot peak in New England, where she grew up.